Artificial intelligence in current undergraduate medical education

Título del documento: Artificial intelligence in current undergraduate medical education
Revista: Gaceta médica de Caracas
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000596091
ISSN: 2739-0012
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Miembro numerario sillón III de la Sociedad Venezolana de Historia de la Medicina. Invitado de cortesía de la Academia de Medicina y miembro de sus comisiones de Ciencias Básicas y de Cultura y Humanismo.,
Volumen: 132
Número: 2
País: Venezuela
Idioma: Español
Resumen en español Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing phenomenon poised to instigate large-scale changes in medicine. With emerging innovations in artificial intelligence poised to impact medical practice substantially, interest in training current and future physicians about the technology is growing. Alongside comes the question of what medical students should be taught. While competencies for the clinical usage of Artificial intelligence are broadly similar to those for any other novel technology, they are critical to concerns regarding ethical aspects, health equity, and data security.
Palabras clave: Artificial intelligence,
undergraduate medical education,
emerging technological innovations,
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