Socio-financial functioning of sugarcane (saccharum officinarum l.) processing for the production of panela: the case of the Bellavista village

Título del documento: Socio-financial functioning of sugarcane (saccharum officinarum l.) processing for the production of panela: the case of the Bellavista village
Revista: Face: revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000576696
ISSN: 2500-9338
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad de la Amazonia, Florencia, Caquetá. Colombia
Volumen: 23
Número: 1
Paginación: 211-225
País: Colombia
Idioma: Español, inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés The cultivation of sugarcane for panela production has been an economic and social alternative to diversify farm income. Thus, in the study site, this crop has been grown for more than forty years, and there needs to be clarity on the social and financial aspects of the sugarcane-producing farms, which could account for groups of farms by social and financial arrangement. The paradigm that guided the research was the analytical, empirical one, with a descriptive type of research. As a result, it was obtained that the main determinant of the similarity groups in the sugarcane producers' farms is the production expenses; however, the Ebidta margin has a differential behavior by a social and financial arrangement identified.
Resumen en español The cultivation of sugarcane for panela production has been an economic and social alternative to diversify farm income. Thus, in the study site, this crop has been grown for more than forty years, and there needs to be clarity on the social and financial aspects of the sugarcane-producing farms, which could account for groups of farms by social and financial arrangement. The paradigm that guided the research was the analytical, empirical one, with a descriptive type of research. As a result, it was obtained that the main determinant of the similarity groups in the sugarcane producers' farms is the production expenses; however, the Ebidta margin has a differential behavior by a social and financial arrangement identified.
Resumen en español O cultivo da cana para produção de rapadura tem sido uma alternativa econômica e social para diversificar a renda nas propriedades. Assim, no local de estudo, esta cultura existe há mais de quarenta anos, não havendo clareza sobre os aspectos sociais e financeiros que determinam as tipologias. O paradigma que norteou a pesquisa foi a pesquisa empírica analítica e descritiva. Como resultado, verifica-se que os principais determinantes dos grupos de fazendas são os custos de produção; no entanto, a margem Ebidta tem um comportamento diferenciado por tipo de arranjo social e financeiro identificado.
Disciplinas: Economía
Palabras clave: campesinos,
Economía agrícola
Keyword: farmers,
Agricultural economics
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