Possibility of using Information Literacy, Mathematical Literacy and Problem-Solving methodology to teach mathematical concepts related to the contents of Spatial Geometry and Matrices to High School students

Título del documento: Possibility of using Information Literacy, Mathematical Literacy and Problem-Solving methodology to teach mathematical concepts related to the contents of Spatial Geometry and Matrices to High School students
Revista: Educação Matemática Debate
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000571816
ISSN: 2526-6136
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Secretaria de Estado de Educação de Goiás,
2Universidade Estadual de Goiás,
Volumen: 6
Número: 12
Paginación: 1-24
País: Brasil
Idioma: Portugués
Resumen en inglés This research aimed to describe methodological possibilities for teaching mathematics in high school, based on the triad Informational Literacy, Mathematical Literacy and Problem Solving. To do so, it was carried out bibliographic and field research, with predominantly qualitative results. The suggested methodological proposal was validated with 2nd grade classes of a state high school in Alexânia-GO. In the proposed approach the teacher acted as a mediator in the teaching-learning process and it was noticed that the research practice in the classroom served as a foundation for the construction of new concepts. The proposed problems were starting points, that is, introductory to the contents covered in the didactic sequences and did not aim at fixing or finalizing a content. We emphasize that Information Literacy directly influences the achievement of Mathematical Literacy, which deals with giving students subsidies to understand mathematics in the modern world.
Resumen en español Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo describir las posibilidades metodológicas para la enseñanza de las Matemáticas en la escuela secundaria, basadas en la tríada Alfabetización Informacional, Alfabetización Matemática y Resolución de Problemas. Para ello, se realizó una investigación bibliográfica y de campo, con resultados predominantemente cualitativos. La propuesta metodológica sugerida fue validada con clases de 2º grado de la Enseñanza Media de una escuela estatal de Alexânia-GO. En el enfoque propuesto el profesor actuó como mediador del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y se observó que la práctica de investigación en el aula sirvió de base para la construcción de nuevos conceptos. Los problemas propuestos eran puntos de partida, es decir, introductorios a los contenidos tratados en las secuencias didácticas y no tenían como objetivos la fijación o finalización de un contenido. Destacamos que la Alfabetización Informacional influye directamente en el logro de la Alfabetización Matemática, que se ocupa de dar subsidios a los estudiantes para entender las Matemáticas en el mundo moderno.
Resumen en portugués This research aimed to investigate methodological possibilities for teaching Mathematics, in High School, based on the triad Informationl Literacy, Mathematical Literacy and Problem-Solving methodology. To this end, it was carried out bibliographic and field research, with predominantly qualitative results. The suggested methodological proposal was validated with 2nd year high school classes of a public school in Alexânia (GO). In the proposed approach, the teacher acted as a mediator of the teaching and learning process, and it was noticed that the research practice in the classroom served as a foundation for the construction of new concepts. The proposed problems were starting points, that is, introductory to the contents covered in the didactic sequences and did not aim at fixing or finalizing a content. We emphasize that Information Literacy directly influences the achievement of Mathematical Literacy, which is about giving students subsidies to understand mathematics in the modern world.
Palabras clave: Metodologías de Enseñanza,
La Investigación en el Aula,
Profesor Mediador,
Alfabetización Informacional,
Metodologias de Ensino
Keyword: Teaching Methodologies,
Research in the Classroom,
Mediating Teacher,
Information Literacy
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