"What Is She Thinking?" – Natália Félix in Conversation with Cynthia Enloe

Título del documento: "What Is She Thinking?" – Natália Félix in Conversation with Cynthia Enloe
Revista: Contexto internacional
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000482431
ISSN: 0102-8529
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. Brasil
Periodo: Sep-Dic
Volumen: 40
Número: 3
Paginación: 435-452
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Entrevista
Enfoque: Descriptivo, divulgación
Resumen en inglés Cynthia Enloe’s thought has now become a common heritage for all of us who share a sense of importance of the role that Gender Studies more generally, and feminist scholarship in particular, have for broadening our account of international politics, and for making us more critical, sensible and smarter about the international operations of power. In this conversation, I tried to probe her thoughts, looking for ways in which her reflection could help us make sense not only of the long and hard trajectory that feminist studies have faced in the past few decades, but also of the ongoing difficulties and struggles that it continues to face throughout processes sustaining a certain ‘modernization of patriarchy’. During the conversation, I tried to pursue three different explorations: the first was concerned with reflecting on the impact of Cynthia’s work in the disciplinary field of International Relations, the advancements and setbacks faced by feminist scholarship since her first major intervention with Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics (Enloe [1990] 2014); secondly, we reflected on the particular theme of this Special Issue, addressing some particularities of gender and feminist studies in the global South; lastly, we addressed a timely topic, namely, the not always easy conversations and cross-fertilization between feminist scholarship and feminist activism. The result of this dialogue was very enticing and thought provoking (Gender in the Global South is actually a triple Special Issue and more articles on the theme will be featured in the two issues coming after this one)
Disciplinas: Relaciones internacionales,
Palabras clave: Política internacional,
Sociología de la mujer,
Estudios de género,
Estudios feministas,
Sur global
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