Herramienta de entrenamiento neuropsicológico para operadores de Aeronaves Remotamente Tripuladas Scan Eagle

Título del documento: Herramienta de entrenamiento neuropsicológico para operadores de Aeronaves Remotamente Tripuladas Scan Eagle
Revista: Ciencia y Poder Aéreo
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000439590
ISSN: 2389-9468
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Bogotá. Colombia
2Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, Dirección de Medicina Aeroespacial, Bogotá. Colombia
3Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Escuela de Posgrados, Bogotá. Colombia
Periodo: Ene-Jun
Volumen: 15
Número: 1
Paginación: 39-52
País: Colombia
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, descriptivo
Resumen en español Los operadores con experiencia previa en vuelo presentan una actividad cerebral medial y orbital, tienen un pensamiento de tipo automático intuitivo con menor carga cognitiva en el monitoreo electroencefalográfico, mientras que los otros grupos sin experiencia previa en vuelo presentan un pensamiento frontal dorsolateral de pensamiento reflexivo con mayor carga cognitiva. Con los  resultados obtenidos se diseñó una herramienta para el entrenamiento neurocognitivo autónomo y se proponen alternativas adicionales para complementar el entrenamiento de los operadores de art, que permita potencializar el pensamiento automático intuitivo con menor carga cognitiva
Resumen en inglés The unwanted safety events in Scan Eagle Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (uav),  have been attributed to the Human Error, especially to decision making and mission  errors, that could be susceptible to improve with specific training as a countermeasure to mitigate the risk of accidents. This paper proposes a training tool based on neuropsychological functioning for uav's operators of the Colombian Air Force, for improving skills and risk management. An analytical cross-sectional non-experimental study was performed. Brain activity was monitored by continuous eeg using B-alert X10 during simulated missions in Scan-eagle simulator to identify beta frequency activity analytical cross section Electric electrical activity was monitored by electroencephalography (EEG) using B-alert x10 device during simulated missions in the Scan-Eagle simulator to identify higher brain activity areas and banfe-2 battery was applied to assess executive functions and thinking modes. 17 male operators of 28 ± 2,7 years were evaluated.  Results were analyzed according previous academic studies. Results showed that the six most used areas in the  art operation are those in charge of numerical ability, maneuvers that require the use of  the opposite hand to the dominant one, use of the imagination, spoken language, the reasoning  area and finally the area of three-dimensional  erception. Operators with previous flight experience, showed a medial and orbital brain activity with an automatic intuitive  thinking and lower cognitive load during eeg monitoring; on the other hand, groups without previous flight experience showed a frontal dorsolateral reflexive thinking with higher cognitive load in eeg. A tool for autonomous neurocognitive training is designed and additional alternatives are proposed to complement uav operators training for potentializing an automatic intuitive thinking with less cognitive load
Resumen en portugués Com os resultados obtidos, foi desenhada uma ferramenta para o treinamento neurocognitivo autônomo e, são propostas alternativas adicionais para complementar o treinamento de operadores de arp, que permita potenciar o pensamento automático intuitivo com menor carga cognitiva
Disciplinas: Ingeniería,
Palabras clave: Psicología educativa,
Entrenamiento neurocognitivo,
Habilidades cognitivas
Keyword: Educational psychology,
Neurocognitive training,
Cognitive skills
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