Revista: | Brazilian journal of chemical engineering |
Base de datos: | PERIÓDICA |
Número de sistema: | 000308705 |
ISSN: | 0104-6632 |
Autores: | Gouveia, R1 Pinto, J.M |
Instituciones: | 1Universidade de Sao Paulo, Departamento de Engenharia Quimica, Sao Paulo. Brasil |
Año: | 2000 |
Periodo: | Dic |
Volumen: | 17 |
Número: | 4-7 |
Paginación: | 979-990 |
País: | Brasil |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Enfoque: | Experimental, aplicado |
Resumen en inglés | Most industrial processes generate liquid waste, which requires treatment prior to disposal. These processes are divided into sectors that generate effluents with time dependent characteristics. Each sector sends the effluent to wastewater treatment plants through pumping-stations. In general, activated sludge is the most suitable treatment and consists of equalization, aeration and settling tanks. During the treatment, there is an increase in the mass of microorganisms, which needs to be removed. Sludge removal represents the major operating costs for wastewater treatment plants. The objective of this work is to propose an optimization model to minimize sludge generation using a superstructure in which the streams from pumping-stations can be sent to the equalization tank. In addition, the aeration tank is divided into cells that can be fed in series and parallel. The model relies on mass balances, kinetic equations, and the resulting Nonlinear Programming problem generates the best operational strategy for the system feed streams with a high substrate removal. Reductions of up to 30 % can be achieved with the proposed strategy maintened BOD efficiency removal upper than 98 % |
Disciplinas: | Ingeniería |
Palabras clave: | Ingeniería ambiental, Ingeniería química, Tratamiento de aguas residuales, Optimización no lineal, Lodos activados |
Keyword: | Engineering, Chemical engineering, Environmental engineering, Waste water treatment, Nonlinear optimization, Activated sludge |
Texto completo: | Texto completo (Ver HTML) |