Stress in Organizations: between Efficiency and the Institutionalization of Fear

Título del documento: Stress in Organizations: between Efficiency and the Institutionalization of Fear
Revista: BAR - Brazilian Administration Review
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000337139
ISSN: 1807-7692
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administracao de Empresas, Sao Paulo. Brasil
2Fundacao Educacional Inaciana Padre Saboia de Medeiros, Sao Paulo. Brasil
3Centro Universitario Positivo, Curitiba, Parana. Brasil
Periodo: Ene-Mar
Volumen: 5
Número: 1
Paginación: 37-52
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico
Resumen en inglés Sometimes organizations described as benevolent, focusing on stable procedures and cordial relations are regarded as examples of collective indolence and likely to be out-competed by aggressive, merciless and stress-prone organizations. In this paper we suggest that some managers and organizations follow a requisite stress principle, according to which stress inside organizations is treated as a variable to be equated to the stress level perceived to prevail in the institutionalized environment the organization operates. We thus predict the relationship between stress-inducing practices, individual responses and performance to be recursively explained. When organizations induce stress at levels that are different from those admitted institutionally as normal levels, there will be a negative response to this induction. When induced stress levels are considered excessive, activities will be inhibited because fear will control the capacity of people to deal with situations and act in an appropriate manner. The validity of this principle implies that control of stress in organizations is as complex as the level of stress in society: it will depend on the control of stress levels coming from society. The principle consequently puts an end to any management aspirations to use stress as a managing mechanism and for inducing behavior
Disciplinas: Administración y contaduría,
Palabras clave: Dirección y control,
Recursos humanos,
Psicología industrial,
Manejo del estrés,
Ambiente institucional
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