Gamification in Management Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Título del documento: Gamification in Management Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Revista: BAR - Brazilian Administration Review
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000496241
ISSN: 1807-7692
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidade de Tras os Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real. Portugal
2Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilha, Beira Interior. Portugal
Periodo: Abr-Jun
Volumen: 16
Número: 2
Paginación: 1-31
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, descriptivo
Resumen en inglés Quality of teaching is increasingly important for the success of educational institutions. In this context, gamification is a tool often used to improve the teaching-learning process by helping both teachers and students reach their goals in the short, medium and long term. Given the importance of the topic both in academia and society, this article presents a systematic review of the literature on the use of gamification as a tool to enhance the quality of the teaching process in general, and, in particular, the teaching of management. The study searches the most relevant literature on the application of gamification to educational contexts and describes gamification’s main themes and constructs based on a systematic literature review of scholarly articles available in ISI Web of Science and Scopus databases. One of the main results of this study is to describe theoretical approaches to gamification and provide a conceptual model that gathers the contribution of various studies and paves the way for future research
Disciplinas: Administración y contaduría,
Palabras clave: Administración de instituciones,
Sistemas educativos,
Administración de la educación,
Revisión de la literatura
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