Glaucium pollen interactions with Chondropyga dorsalis (Coleoptera) in Jordan

Título del documento: Glaucium pollen interactions with Chondropyga dorsalis (Coleoptera) in Jordan
Revista: Arnaldoa
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000386498
ISSN: 1815-8242
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Mutah University, Department of Biology, Karak. Jordania
Periodo: Ene-Jun
Volumen: 22
Número: 1
Paginación: 59-72
País: Perú
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, descriptivo
Resumen en español Chondropyga dorsalis, a coleopteran species known as Glaucium pollen collector from three Glaucium species, was investigated. Pollen grains of three Glaucium species were investigated palynologically by LM and SEM. The three Glaucium species examined were Glaucium aleppicum Boiss. & Hausskn., Glaucium arabicum Fresen. and Glaucium corniculatum (L.) Rudolph. All of these investigated species have pollen 3-zonocolpate. Polar measurements ranges are (24-27) μm for Glaucium aleppicum Boiss & Hausskn., (28-30) μm for Glaucium arabicum Fresen. and (31-36) μm for Glaucium corniculatum (L.) Rudolph. Equatorial measurements are (21-26) μm for Glaucium aleppicum Boiss. & Hausskn., (24-31) μm for Glaucium arabicum Fresen. and (25-36) μm for Glaucium corniculatum (L.) Rudolph. P/E ratio for the investigated species ranges between 0.9-(1.09)-1.19 for Glaucium aleppicum Boiss. & Hausskn., 0.86-(1.08)-1.25 for Glaucium arabicum Fresen. and 0.90-(1.10)-1.55 for Glaucium corniculatum (L.) Rudolph. Pollen outline for the investigated Glaucium species has been recognized, the equatorial view for all Glaucium species examined was circular; the polar view was elliptic. P/E ratio pollen outline for the examined species was semi-erect to semitransverse. The morphology of ectoaperture structures (colpi, pori and margins) has reflected no variation, the three species exhibited long colpi with distinct margins without pori. The morphology of endoaperture structures (scabrae, verrucae and columellae) has reflected also no distinguished variation; all Glaucium species examined have visible scabrae, present verrucae with distinct columellae. The relationships between pollen morphology of the three Glaucium species and their interactions with their insect visitors Chondropyga dorsalis (Coleoptera) during springs of 2012 and 2013 were studied in Jordan. Pollen morphology characteristics related to the pollen type, size of pollen
Disciplinas: Biología
Palabras clave: Anatomía e histología,
Chodropyga dorsalis,
Keyword: Biology,
Anatomy and histology,
Chodropyga dorsalis,
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