Destructive Conflict Resolution, Acculturation Orientations, and Relationship Satisfaction among Ethnic Groups in the Netherlands

Título del documento: Destructive Conflict Resolution, Acculturation Orientations, and Relationship Satisfaction among Ethnic Groups in the Netherlands
Revista: Acta de investigación psicológica
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000520249
ISSN: 2007-4832
Autores: 1

Instituciones: 1Tilburg University, Tilburgo, Brabante Septentrional. Países Bajos
2Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Vizcaya. España
Volumen: 9
Número: 3
Paginación: 114-128
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, descriptivo
Resumen en español inmigrantes de origen turco y marroquí que aquellos con origen antillano, surinamés e indonesio. No obstante, la adopción cultural se relacionó de manera positiva y en mayor medida con la satisfacción de pareja entre inmigrantes de origen antillano, surinamés e indonesio en comparación con aquellos de origen turco y marroquí. El mantenimiento de la cultura de origen fue más relevante que la adopción cultural con respecto a la satisfacción en pareja
Resumen en inglés We aimed at disentangling the role of ethnicity and of acculturation in relation to destructive conflict resolution and relationship satisfaction among 600 individuals of different ethnicity living in the Netherlands. Ethnic group differences were obtained for destructive conflict resolution and similarities appeared for relationship satisfaction after controlling for age, education, and income. As for cultural differences, the Turkish-Moroccan group was higher on destructive conflict management than the ethnic Dutch group. Turkish-Moroccans also indicated that they continue the argument without listening to their partners more than Antillean-Surinamese individuals. As for relationship satisfaction, immigrants with an Indonesian background reported higher relationship satisfaction than Turkish-Moroccans. Regarding gender differences, females scored higher than males in relation to destructive conflict management and relationship satisfaction. Finally, groups were invariant in relation to the negative relationship between destructive conflict resolution and relationship satisfaction. Yet, cultural maintenance was more strongly and positively related to satisfaction among immigrants with Turkish and Moroccan backgrounds than with Antillean, Surinamese, and Indonesian origins. Nevertheless, cultural adoption was more strongly and positively related to satisfaction among immigrants with Antillean, Surinamese, and Indonesian origins compared to people with Turkish and Moroccan backgrounds. Cultural maintenance was more salient than cultural adoption in relation to satisfaction
Disciplinas: Psicología
Palabras clave: Psicología experimental,
Psicología social,
Etnología y antropología social,
Asentamientos humanos,
Comparación transcultural,
Satisfacción marital,
Resolución de conflictos,
Grupos étnicos,
Keyword: Experimental psychology,
Social psychology,
Ethnology and social anthropology,
Human settlements,
Cross-cultural comparison,
Relationship satisfaction,
Conflict resolution,
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