Implementação de ensino incidental via profissionais e cuidadores a crianças autistas

Título del documento: Implementação de ensino incidental via profissionais e cuidadores a crianças autistas
Revista: Acta comportamentalia
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000574698
ISSN: 0188-8145
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Pará. Brasil
Volumen: 31
Número: 4
País: México
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés Applied Behavior Analysis is considered an effective, solid and promising science for the treatment of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There are a variety of teaching strategies aimed at this audience, including incidental teaching, which presents itself as an interesting strategy. As fundamental characteristics of this strategy, we can highlight the planning of teaching contingencies considering the child"s natural environment and the requirement of the child"s motivation as a starting point to start a teaching unit. Considering the literature in the area, there are few studies that have investigated the implementation of incidental teaching by professionals, and even rarer are the studies that have investigated the implementation of this teaching procedure by caregivers. Also, there is a need to investigate the use of incidental teaching both for mands (make an order) for an item, and for other types of mands, mand for information, for example. Considering this scenario, the objective of this study was to evaluate the implementation of incidental teaching, by professionals and caregivers, for teaching the verbal operant mand (by item and by information) to children diagnosed with ASD. Nine children, ten caregivers, and two professionals participated in this study. A baseline experimental design was used to assess the functional relationship between the implementation of teaching programs by practitioners, caregivers, and professionals, with a minimum of three times a week, and the acquisition of mand skills by item and for information by children. For this, the performance of the participants was evaluated before (baseline) and during (intervention) the implementation of the independent variable of the study (application of the teaching procedure by the applicators). From the data, it is possible to verify that before the intervention all the participants did not have the target skills in their repertoire and, as the applicators were implementing the teaching procedures, the performance accuracy of the participants was increasing until reaching maximum precision. It was also possible to verify the skill acquired by the children occurring with another different applicator of who conducted the intervention (generalization), as well as verifying the skill in the participants" repertoire even after a month of the end of the intervention (follow-up). In addition, it was possible to verify that in the intervention carried out by professionals, an average of 5,2 teaching sessions for children to reach learning criteria, and in the intervention performed by caregivers, an average of 8,5 sessions were required. On the other hand, caregivers implemented a lower average of teaching attempts for children to acquire skills. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the intervention conducted by both types of applicators is effective and efficient, with slight differences between them.
Resumen en español A Análise do Comportamento Aplicada é considerada uma ciência eficaz, sólida e promissora para o tratamento de crianças com diagnóstico de Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA). Dentre as possibilidades de intervenção para esse público, o ensino incidental apresenta-se como uma estratégia promissora, mas ainda são escassos os estudos sobre essa modalidade de intervenção. Diante desse cenário, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a implementação de ensino incidental, por profissionais e cuidadores, para o ensino do operante verbal mando a crianças diagnosticadas com TEA. Utilizou-se um delineamento experimental de linha de base múltipla entre participantes para avaliar a relação funcional entre a implementação de programas de ensino pelos aplicadores, no mínimo de três vezes por semana, e a aquisição das habilidades pelas crianças. Ambos os agentes de intervenção, profissionais e cuidadores, foram capazes de ensinar habilidades de mando para crianças com TEA via ensino incidental. Na intervenção realizada por profissionais, foi necessária uma média de 5,2 sessões para alcançar critério de aprendizagem, e na intervenção realizada por cuidadores, foram necessárias uma média de 8,5 sessões. Em contrapartida, os cuidadores implementaram menos tentativas de ensino. Portanto, ambos os tipos de intervenção apresentam eficácia e eficiência no treino de habilidades.
Disciplinas: Psicología
Palabras clave: Análise do Comportamento Aplicada,
Ensino Incidental,
Intervenção via Cuidador,
Intervenção via Profissional,
Psicología clínica
Keyword: Applied Behavior Analysis,
Incidental Teaching,
Intervention via Caregiver,
Intervention via Professional,
Clinical psychology
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