Revista: | Revista brasileira de reumatologia |
Base de datos: | PERIÓDICA |
Número de sistema: | 000307102 |
ISSN: | 0482-5004 |
Autores: | Marx, Felipe C Oliveira, Leda Magalhaes de Bellini, Cintia G Ribeiro, Michele Cristina C |
Año: | 2006 |
Periodo: | Jul-Ago |
Volumen: | 46 |
Número: | 4 |
Paginación: | 253-260 |
País: | Brasil |
Idioma: | Portugués |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Enfoque: | Aplicado |
Resumen en inglés | OBJECTIVE: translation, validation and cultural adaptation of the algofunctional index of Lequesne for the Portuguese language. PATIENTS AND METHODS: the original questionnaire, published in English, was translated by three English professors, and after back translated by others three professors. Four physiotherapists had congregated and comparing the translations, they had elaborated the first version. This was applied to 11 patients with diagnosis of osteoarthritis (OA) of knees and/or hips, and this version was recognized fully by the patients, who had not reported understanding problems. This version, considered as definitive, was them applied to others 73 patients in the following form: a time for observer 1 (A1), in the same day for observer 2 (A2) and one week later for observer 1 or 2 (A3). Jointly it was collected data on age, sex and applied questionnaire Westerm Ontario and McMaster Universities WOMAC in its version validated for Portuguese language. RESULTS: for osteoarthritis of knees, the patients of the pre-test (10 of 11 evaluated) had average age of 63 years (DP=9.3) and 2 were men. Its average grade for the index of Lequesne was of 14.9 (DP=5.1). The patients, evaluated with the definitive version, in number of 42, had in average 67.5 years (DP=8.7), 5 were men. Its average for the index of Lequesne was for A1=11.9 (DP=5.0), for A2=12.1 (DP=6.4) and A3=11.3 (DP=7.9). The intraclass correlation between A1 and A2 was of 0.99 and between A1 and A3 was of 0,99. The Pearson coefficient between A1 and WOMAC pain was of 0.800, WOMAC stiffness was of 0.640 and WOMAC function was 0.828, all with statistical significance. For osteoarthritis of hips, the patients of the pre-test (3 of the 11 evaluated) had average age of 67 years (DP=9.18) and were all women. Its average grade for the index of Lequesne was of 11.2 (DP=5.86). The patients, evaluated with the definitive version, in number of 37, had in average 66.9 years (DP=9.01), 8 were men. Its averag |
Disciplinas: | Medicina |
Palabras clave: | Diagnóstico, Reumatología, Artrosis, Rodilla, Osteoartritis, Cadera, Evaluación funcional, Cuestionarios, Validación |
Keyword: | Medicine, Diagnosis, Rheumatology, Osteoarthritis, Functional evaluation, Hip, Arthrosis, Knee, Questionnaires, Validation |
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