Revista: | Prohominum |
Base de datos: | CLASE |
Número de sistema: | 000511563 |
ISSN: | 2665-0169 |
Autores: | Peñafiel Martillo, Pedro Félix1 Peña Briceño, Daniel Antonio2 |
Instituciones: | 1Asociación Civil Venezolana de Investigación Social en Pro de la Humanidad, Villa de Cura, Aragua. Venezuela 2Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, Quito, Pichincha. Ecuador |
Año: | 2021 |
Periodo: | Ene-Mar |
Volumen: | 3 |
Número: | 1 |
Paginación: | 71-82 |
País: | Venezuela |
Idioma: | Español |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Enfoque: | Analítico |
Resumen en español | Se encontró como resultado que el 58% de los consultados, no saben lo que es el feminicidio, además de que el 69% de los consultados, indicaron ser testigo de la violencia familiar. Entre las conclusiones: el Feminicidio es un concepto jurídico acuñado de manera más específica que el de Homicidio; siendo la forma más extrema de violencia contra la mujer. Constituye una acción que no responde a una coyuntura ni actores específicos, pues se desarrolla tanto en tiempos de paz como en tiempos de conflicto armado y las mujeres víctimas no poseen un perfil único de rango de edad |
Resumen en inglés | Research conceived to examine gender violence and its worst consequence, femicide, which is nothing more than the homicideof women. The purpose of this research is to analyze the elements of femicide present in the Ecuadorian legal framework as a contribution to the development of pedagogical strategies for the social prevention of femicide. For which a methodological designwas used to frame this problem in the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach from a field research, which presents a descriptive level.The study population consisted of 120 students in the first semesters of the school of education, faculty ofeducation of the Metropolitan University UMET. The population was of finite type. The data collection technique was the survey and the dichotomous questionnaire was used as an instrument. The analysis technique was the percentage statistic. It was found that 58% of those consulted do not know what femicide is, in addition to the fact that 69% of those consulted indicated that they are witnesses of family violence.Among the conclusions: Femicide is a legal concept coined in a more specific manner than homicide; it is the extreme form of violence against women. It does not respond to a specific situation or actors, since it takes place both in times of peace and in times of armed conflict, and the women victims do not have a unique age range profile |
Disciplinas: | Educación |
Palabras clave: | Educación superior, Ecuador, Universidad Metropolitana, Violencia de género, Feminicidio, Familia, Prevención social, Estrategias pedagógicas, Violencia intrafamiliar |
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