Efectividad de dos óvulos de triple composición en el tratamiento de la vaginitis/vaginosis

Título del documento: Efectividad de dos óvulos de triple composición en el tratamiento de la vaginitis/vaginosis
Revista: Perinatología y reproducción humana
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000344630
ISSN: 0187-5337
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Instituto Nacional de Perinatología Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes, México, Distrito Federal. México
2Hospital Obregón, México, Distrito Federal. México
3Hospital de la Mujer, México, Distrito Federal. México
4Hospital Juárez de México, México, Distrito Federal. México
Periodo: Ene-Mar
Volumen: 24
Número: 1
Paginación: 28-35
País: México
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Experimental, caso clínico
Resumen en español el tratamiento “B”, sin obtener diferencias significativas (P = 0.06). Los microorganismos predominantes en las pruebas microbiológicas basales son Candida albicans, Candida spp y Gardnerella vaginalis, logrando un incremento en la mejoría para ambos grupos. Se presentó un evento adverso no relacionado con el medicamento en cada uno de los tratamientos. Conclusión: Se demuestra que la efectividad del tratamiento de tres días es igual al de 10 días, es decir, que aunque el tratamiento “B” es de mayor duración no significa que sea de mayor efectividad. Existe una diferencia significativa en la velocidad de la disminución del dolor vulvar con el tratamiento “A” respecto del tratamiento del óvulo “B”. Un tratamiento de tres días representa para la paciente mayor comodidad
Resumen en inglés Objective: To compare effectivity of an ovule with three components (clindamycin, terconazole and fluocinolone) in a three days treatment, versus an ovule with three components (nistatin, metronidazole and fluocinolone) in a ten days treatment, for bacterial vaginitis/vaginosis. Patients and methods: It is a prospective, open, comparative, with two parallel arms, multicentric clinical trial, which evaluates 160 patients from 18 to 45 years old, with sexual activity and microbiological confirmed diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis, and every patient was random assigned to a treatment “A” with terconazole 80 mg, clindamycin 100 mg and fluocinolone acetonide 0.5 mg for three days; group 2 receives an ovule “B” with nistatin 100,000 IU, metronidazole 500 mg and fluocinolone acetonide 0.5 mg for ten days. Patients were evaluated clinically and microbiologically at the end of treatment (day 7 and 13), and evaluated clinically in a following visit (days 12 and 18). Absence of symptoms was evaluated and microbiological and clinical cure were defined. It was recorded any concomitant medication and the presence of adverse events and deviations for physical exploration of patient. Results: For per protocol population, there were 73 and 75 patients for treatment “A” and treatment “B”, respectively. Broadly, for baseline visit, all variables were homogeneous. There was a significant symptoms decrease in patients for both treatments. Treatment “A” presents a higher rate for symptom decrease for pruritus and burning. Investigator global evaluation reports values as 98.70 and 98.20%, qualified as excellent and good for treatment “A” and treatment “B”, respectively, with no significant differences. Clinical cure is 77.30% for treatment “A” and 63% for treatment “B” with no significant differences (P = 0.06). Predominant microorganisms at baseline culture were Candida albicans and Candida spp and Gardnerella..
Disciplinas: Medicina
Palabras clave: Farmacología,
Ginecología y obstetricia,
Terapéutica y rehabilitación,
Manifestaciones clínicas,
Keyword: Medicine,
Gynecology and obstetrics,
Therapeutics and rehabilitation,
Sexual behavior,
Reproductive health,
Clinical manifestations,
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