Characterization of ceramic powders used in the inCeram systems to fixed dental Prosthesis

Título del documento: Characterization of ceramic powders used in the inCeram systems to fixed dental Prosthesis
Revista: Materials research
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000312975
ISSN: 1516-1439
Autores: 1

Instituciones: 1Universidade de Sao Paulo, Escola de Engenharia de Lorena, Lorena, Sao Paulo. Brasil
2Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho", Faculdade de Odontologia, Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo. Brasil
3Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro. Brasil
Periodo: Ene-Mar
Volumen: 10
Número: 1
Paginación: 47-51
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Nota breve o noticia
Enfoque: Experimental
Resumen en inglés InCeram (Vita Zahnfabrik- Germany) is known as a high strength ceramic being used for core crowns and for fixed partial denture frameworks. InCeram system consists of slip-casting technique which is used for to build the framework, which is then pre-sintered obtaining an open-pore microstructure. The material gains its strength by infiltration of the lanthanum glass into the porous microstructure. In this work, commercial alumina (Al2O3), alumina-zirconia (Al2O3-ZrO2) and glasses lanthanum oxide-rich powders, used in InCeram system, were characterized, using x ray diffraction, dilatometry and scanning electron microscopy. The characteristics of these powders were related aiming to consider their substitution for new ceramic materials
Disciplinas: Ingeniería,
Palabras clave: Ingeniería de materiales,
Prótesis dental,
Propiedades mecánicas
Keyword: Engineering,
Materials engineering,
Dental prosthesis,
Mechanical properties
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