Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation onto Human Head with Variation of Holding Cheek and Tilt Positions

Título del documento: Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation onto Human Head with Variation of Holding Cheek and Tilt Positions
Revista: Journal of applied research and technology
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000380506
ISSN: 1665-6423
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universiti Kebangsaan, Space Science Centre, Bangi, Selangor. Malasia
2Universiti Kebangsaan, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Bangi, Selangor. Malasia
Periodo: Oct
Volumen: 12
Número: 5
Paginación: 871-876
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Experimental, aplicado
Resumen en inglés This paper analyzed the effects of electromagnetic (EM) radiation mobile phone on human head with different holding positions. The Em radiation is measured in terms of specific absorption rate (SAR). The human head exposed to global system for mobile communication (GSM) frequency bands. The radiation absorption analyzed through simulations by applying finite-difference time domain (FDTD) method using computer simulation technology (CST) microwave studio. The specific absorption rate (SAR) was measured for two common holding positions of mobile phone: Cheek and Tilt. In this tilt position, the mobile phone tilted for 15° and 30° from a person's head. SARs exhibited in much lower values as the mobile phone held in cheek position than that of tilt position. Helical antenna with substrate of Rogers RO3006 (loss free) found to be best tested substrate by resulted in lower SAR due to its lower conductivity properties than that of RO4003
Disciplinas: Ingeniería,
Palabras clave: Ingeniería de telecomunicaciones,
Salud pública,
Teléfonos celulares,
Radiación electromagnética,
Tasa de absorción específica,
Exposición humana
Keyword: Engineering,
Telecommunications engineering,
Public health,
Cell phones,
Electromagnetic radiation,
Specific absorption rate,
Human exposure
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