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Enkephalinase, a newly characterized dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase : properties and possible role in enkephalinergic transmission
Schwartz, J.C1; Baume, S. de la; Malfroy, B; Patey, G; Perdrisot, R
1Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, París. Francia
[ International journal of neurology, Uruguay, 1980 Vol. 14 Núm. 2-4 , Pág. 195-204]
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Multiple modes of communication by substance p
Harkins, J.A1; Stewart, J.M; Krivoy, W.A
1University of Colorado, Health Sciences Ctr, Dept Biochemistry, Denver, Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
[ International journal of neurology, Uruguay, 1980 Vol. 14 Núm. 2-4 , Pág. 233-238]
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Neurological effects of mif-1, msh, and opiate peptides in clinical studies
Kastin, A.J1; Ehrensing, H; Olson, R.D; Coy, D.H
1Tulane University of Louisiana, School of Medicine, Nueva Orleans, Luisiana. Estados Unidos de América
[ International journal of neurology, Uruguay, 1980 Vol. 14 Núm. 2-4 , Pág. 205-209]