Sistema de ejercicios de kinesiología educativa para la enseñanza de la Matemática de tercer grado

Título del documento: Sistema de ejercicios de kinesiología educativa para la enseñanza de la Matemática de tercer grado
Revista: Horizonte pedagógico (La Habana)
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000568273
ISSN: 2310-3648
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Escuela Primaria "Justino Báez Castro", La Habana. Cuba
2Escuela Primaria "República Bolivariana de Venezuela&quot, La Habana. Cuba
3Escuela Primaria "Carlos Paneque Vázquez", La Habana. Cuba
Volumen: 13
País: Cuba
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés Mathematics is considered the science of deductive reasoning of spatial relationships and magnitudes, constituting an activity for resolving problematic situations of a natural and social nature. The teaching of Mathematics must contribute to the preparation of students for life, developing thinking and helping them to carry out mental operations such as: analyze and synthesize, compare and classify, generalize and specify, abstract and particularize. The research was carried out at the "Justino Báez Castro" Primary School based on the results of analysis carried out on students, teachers and the center's director; where the deficiency that students present in the subject of Mathematics is confirmed, where they generally fail to develop the skills of analyzing, synthesizing, comparing, classifying, generalizing, abstracting and concretizing; main aspects for teaching the subject in the third grade. The objective of this article is to propose a system of educational kinesiology exercises that contribute to the teaching of the subject of Mathematics in the third grade. The application of different theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods allowed us to determine the state of preparation of the students of the degree; determining their needs and potentialities. The application of the educational kinesiology exercise system demonstrated that it contributed to better preparation for students to achieve their development in the teaching of Mathematics in the third grade of primary school.
Resumen en español La Matemática se considera como la ciencia de razonamiento deductivo de las relaciones espaciales y de las magnitudes, constituyendo una actividad de resolución de situaciones problemáticas de índole natural y social. La enseñanza de la Matemática debe contribuir a la preparación de los educandos para la vida, desarrollando el pensamiento y contribuyendo a que estos realicen operaciones mentales como: analizar y sintetizar, comparar y clasificar, generalizar y concretar, abstraer y particularizar. La investigación se llevó a cabo en la Escuela Primaria "Justino Báez Castro" a partir de resultados de análisis realizado a educandos, docentes y directivo del centro; donde se constata la deficiencia que presentan los educandos en la asignatura de Matemática, donde no logran generalmente desarrollar las habilidades de analizar, sintetizar, comparar, clasificar, generalizar, abstraer y concretar; principales aspectos para la enseñanza de la asignatura en el tercer grado. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo proponer un sistema de ejercicios de kinesiología educativa que contribuyan a la enseñanza de la asignatura de Matemática en el tercer grado. La aplicación de diferentes métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemáticos – estadísticos permitieron determinar el estado preparación que tienen los educandos del grado; determinando sus necesidades y potencialidades. La aplicación del sistema de ejercicios de kinesiología educativa demostró que contribuyó a una mejor preparación de los educandos para lograr su desarrollo en la enseñanza de Matemática en el tercer grado de la escuela primaria.Abstract: Mathematics is considered the science of deductive reasoning of spatial relationships and magnitudes, constituting an activity for resolving problematic situations of a natural and social nature. The teaching of Mathematics must contribute to the preparation of students for life, developing thinking and helping them to carry out mental operations such as: analyze and synthesize, compare and classify, generalize and specify, abstract and particularize. The research was carried out at the "Justino Báez Castro" Primary School based on the results of analysis carried out on students, teachers and the center's director; where the deficiency that students present in the subject of Mathematics is confirmed, where they generally fail to develop the skills of analyzing, synthesizing, comparing, classifying, generalizing, abstracting and concretizing; main aspects for teaching the subject in the third grade. The objective of this article is to propose a system of educational kinesiology exercises that contribute to the teaching of the subject of Mathematics in the third grade. The application of different theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods allowed us to determine the state of preparation of the students of the degree; determining their needs and potentialities. The application of the educational kinesiology exercise system demonstrated that it contributed to better preparation for students to achieve their development in the teaching of Mathematics in the third grade of primary school.Keywords: educational kinesiology, teaching, mathematics, motivation.
Disciplinas: Educación
Palabras clave: kinesiología educativa,
Keyword: educational kinesiology,
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