Comprensión y construcción de textos escritos mediante el uso de la tecnología

Título del documento: Comprensión y construcción de textos escritos mediante el uso de la tecnología
Revista: Horizonte pedagógico (La Habana)
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000568359
ISSN: 2310-3648
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Villa Clara. Cuba
Volumen: 11
Número: 2
Paginación: 42-51
País: Cuba
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés The research worked on the understanding and construction of texts with the use of technology in Primary Education; The objective is to propose a system of activities to develop skills in the fourth grade students of the Agustín Bendamio elementary school, using technology. It is based on the most current methodological theoretical foundations on the subject. For this, theoretical level methods were used such as historical-logical, inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic, systemic-structural and modeling that allowed to deepen and interpret the information obtained through the empirical results such as observation, interview, pre- experiment and of the mathematical level and the percentage analysis, tables and graphs to process said information and reach general conclusions, the group of fourth grade A was used as a sample, because it was of interest to the authors based on the needs and potential of the students. . According to the results verified by the methods used, transformations were observed in the motivation of the students towards reading, their comprehension and construction, application of reading strategies, supported by the use of technology, evidencing the reliability and scientific nature of the proposed activity system.
Resumen en español La investigación trabajó la comprensión y construcción de textos con el uso de la tecnología en la Enseñanza Primaria; el objetivo es proponer un sistema de actividades para desarrollar habilidades en los alumnos de cuarto grado de la escuela primaria Agustín Bendamio, empleando la tecnología. Se sustenta en los fundamentos teóricos metodológicos más actuales sobre el tema. Para ello se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico como el histórico-lógico, inductivo-deductivo, analítico-sintético, sistémico estructural y modelación que permitieron profundizar e interpretar la información obtenida a través de los resultados empíricos como la observación, la entrevista, el pre-experimento y del nivel matemático y el análisis porcentual tablas y gráficos para procesar dicha información y llegar a conclusiones generales, se utilizó como muestra el grupo de cuarto grado A, por ser de interés de los autores a partir de las necesidades y potencialidades de los alumnos. Según resultados constatados por los métodos utilizados se apreciaron transformaciones en la motivación de los alumnos hacia la lectura, su comprensión y construcción, aplicación de estrategias de lectura, apoyados en el uso de la tecnología, evidenciando la confiabilidad y cientificidad del sistema de actividades propuesto.Abstract: The research worked on the understanding and construction of texts with the use of technology in Primary Education; The objective is to propose a system of activities to develop skills in the fourth grade students of the Agustín Bendamio elementary school, using technology. It is based on the most current methodological theoretical foundations on the subject. For this, theoretical level methods were used such as historical-logical, inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic, systemic-structural and modeling that allowed to deepen and interpret the information obtained through the empirical results such as observation, interview, pre- experiment and of the mathematical level and the percentage analysis, tables and graphs to process said information and reach general conclusions, the group of fourth grade A was used as a sample, because it was of interest to the authors based on the needs and potential of the students. . According to the results verified by the methods used, transformations were observed in the motivation of the students towards reading, their comprehension and construction, application of reading strategies, supported by the use of technology, evidencing the reliability and scientific nature of the proposed activity system.Keywords: reading; comprehension and production of texts; technology; primary school.
Disciplinas: Educación,
Ciencia y tecnología
Palabras clave: lectura,
comprensión y producción de textos,
escuela primaria,
Educación básica,
Keyword: reading,
comprehension and production of texts,
primary school,
Basic education,
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