Prevalence and molecular characterization of alpha and beta-Thalassemia mutations among Hakka people in southern China

Título del documento: Prevalence and molecular characterization of alpha and beta-Thalassemia mutations among Hakka people in southern China
Revista: Genetics and molecular biology
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000459268
ISSN: 1415-4757
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Heyuan Women and Children’s Hospital, Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Heyuan, Guangdong. China
2Heyuan Women and Children’s Hospital, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Heyuan, Guangdong. China
3Heyuan Health Supervision Institute, Department of Integrated Enforcement, Heyuan, Guangdong. China
Volumen: 45
Número: 4
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, descriptivo
Resumen en inglés Our aim was to investigate molecular features of thalassemia for proper clinical consultation and prevention in Heyuan. In our research, a total of 25,437 positive screening subjects were further subjected to a genetic analysis of α-thalassemia (α-thal) and β-thalassemia (β-thal). The deletion of α-thal mutation was tested by Gap-PCR, while the non-deletion of α-thal and β-thal mutation were identified by the PCR-reverse dot blot (PCR-RDB) technique. Nested PCR detected Hkαα/-- SEA and Hkαα/αα. Among the 25,437 positive screening subjects, 44.09% (11216/25437) subjects were bearers of thalassemia variations, and 30.85% (7847/25437) subjects showed α-thal changes alone. Among the 23 genotypes with α-thal mutation alone, the three common genotypes were --SEA/αα(68.34%), -α3.7/αα(16.44%), and -α4.2/αα(6.38%). Of the 11.50% (2924/25437) subjects and 29 genotypes with β-thal mutation alone, the three common genotypes were βCD41-42/βN(36.22%), βIVS-II-654/βN(30.88%), and β-28/βN(13.47%). Additionally, of the 1.75% (445/25437) subjects and 55 genotypes showed both α- and β-thal mutations. We also identified 269 cases of Hb H and six patients of Hkαα. Furthermore, the common genotypes of α-thal and β-thal mutations were consistent with allele frequencies of mutations. Our study establishes molecular features of thalassemia among Hakka people in Heyuan. It will be useful for developing strategies to prevent thalassemia
Disciplinas: Biología,
Palabras clave: Genética,
Antropología física,
Biología molecular,
Hakka étnico,
Keyword: Genetics,
Physical anthropology,
Molecular biology,
Ethnic Hakka,
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