Nonplanar Positron-Acoustic Shock Waves in Astrophysical Plasmas

Título del documento: Nonplanar Positron-Acoustic Shock Waves in Astrophysical Plasmas
Revista: Brazilian journal of physics
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000390402
ISSN: 0103-9733
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Jahangirnagar University, Department of Physics, Savar, Dhaka. Bangladesh
Periodo: Abr
Volumen: 45
Número: 2
Paginación: 219-224
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Experimental, analítico
Resumen en inglés The problem of nonlinear positron-acoustic shock waves (PASWs) in an unmagnetized, collisionless, dense plasma system (containing non-relativistic cold positrons, both non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic degenerate electron and hot positron fluids and positively charged static ions) is addressed. The combined effects of the nonrelativistic and ultra-relativistic degenerate electron and hot positron fluids are organized in the study of the PASWs. By using the reductive perturbation method, modified Burgers equation is derived and numerically analyzed. For the nonrelativistic limits in like manner for the ultra-relativistic limits, it is seen that the shock wave characteristics are modified significantly. The effects of kinematic viscosity, degenerate pressure, nonplanar geometries, and plasma particle number densities on the properties of PASWs are numerically analyzed. As time goes, PASWs propagating in cylindrical and spherical geometry are deformed. The fundamental features and the underlying physics of PASWs, which are concerned to some astrophysical compact objects (viz. neutron stars, white dwarfs, etc.), are concisely mentioned
Disciplinas: Física y astronomía
Palabras clave: Física de materia condensada,
Ondas de choque,
Ondas acústicas positrónicas,
Geometría no planar,
Presión degenerada,
Efecto relativista,
Objetos compactos
Keyword: Physics and astronomy,
Condensed matter physics,
Shock waves,
Positron-acoustic waves,
Nonplanar geometry,
Degenerate pressure,
Relativistic effect,
Compact objects
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