Ensino baseado em equivalência e dicas e aprendizagem de operações aditivas

Título del documento: Ensino baseado em equivalência e dicas e aprendizagem de operações aditivas
Revista: Acta comportamentalia
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000574695
ISSN: 0188-8145
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Distrito Federal. Brasil
Volumen: 31
Número: 4
País: México
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés Studies on mathematical behavior based on the stimulus equivalence paradigm have shown promising results with regard to understanding the abilities involved in the acquisition and teaching of mathematical skills. The present study investigated the effect of a teaching program based on stimulus equivalence and prompts, as well as the effect of prompt modality on precurrent behaviors for learning addition and subtraction with numbers from 0 to 14. Four children (4 to 5 years old), three of which with neurotypical development and one of which diagnosed with autism, were exposed to a computerized teaching program and given matching-to-sample tasks. Half of the participants were exposed to prompts with pictures and the other half to prompts with videos. After the classes of numerals, operation symbols and sentences were formed, a training of the operations sentence with numeral-numeral was carried out, with a button available through which the participant could access the prompt. Results showed that all participants learned to select among the numerals (comparisons) the one that corresponded to the result (sample) of the addition or subtraction. In the present study, prompts with pictures and videos were functionally equal, evoking in children without previous exposure to the used teaching program the same precurrent behavior of using their own fingers to perform operations, with similar performances. The relations with the lowest scores were numeral-sentence with numerals and spoken sentence-numeral. The teaching program also fostered learning for the participant diagnosed with autism, who just like the other participants met the learning criteria in all units, despite needing more training trails in units 2 and 3. Overall, the teaching program was effective for children with neurotypical and neuroatypical development and resulted in learning with few errors. Thus, the current study broadens the knowledge about teaching mathematical behavior based on the stimulus equivalence paradigm. However, the generality of the results should be investigated with prompts with more distinct characteristics, other precurrent behaviors, and with a design that allows baseline repeated measures, and the identification of possible effects of intervening variables.
Resumen en español Foi investigado o efeito de um programa de ensino baseado em equivalência de estímulos e dicas para a emissão de comportamentos precorrentes na resolução de operações aditivas, com numerais de 0-14. Quatro crianças (4 a 5 anos), sendo três com desenvolvimento neurotípico e uma com diagnóstico de autismo, foram expostas a um programa de ensino computadorizado com tarefas de pareamento ao modelo. Metade dos participantes foi exposta ao programa com dicas com figuras e metade com dicas com vídeos. Após a formação de classes com os numerais, operadores e sentenças, foi realizado o treino das operações que envolvia o pareamento entre sentença com numerais e numeral, com a inclusão de botão de consulta a dica. Independente da modalidade da dica, todos os participantes aprenderam a selecionar dentre os numerais (comparações) aquele que correspondia ao resultado da operação (modelo) de soma ou subtração. As relações com os escores mais baixos foram entre numeral e sentença com numerais e sentença falada e numeral. Entretanto, a generalidade dos resultados deve ser investigada com dicas com características mais distintas, outros comportamentos precorrentes, e com um delineamento que permita medidas repetidas da linha de base, e a identificação de possíveis efeitos de variáveis intervenientes.
Disciplinas: Educación,
Palabras clave: equivalência de estímulos,
operações aditivas,
comportamento precorrente,
Análise do Comportamento,
Psicología clínica,
Psicología experimental
Keyword: stimulus equivalence,
additive operations,
precurrent behavior,
Behavior Analysis,
Clinical psychology,
Experimental psychology
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